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Goos'd Vacation Bible School
Big bad wolf and little pig

Once upon a time

In Jerusalem, far away

There was a young boy

Left behind but not afraid

When they found him in the temple

Not sad or even bothered

He asked “did you not know

I would be in the house of my father?”

The teachers in the temple were amazed

To say the least

That he spoke such things

Though neither scribe nor priest

Yes, this Jesus was human

But also God who became man

He lived a perfect life

According to the Father’s plan

He died, rose, and left

For a place to prepare

He’ll return to take us home

And we’ll live forever there

The boy Jesus grew

In wisdom and in favor

With God most of all

But also his neighbors

Like all healthy boys

He grew also in stature

If we follow his example

We’ll live God’s happily ever after




Please note: To save you valuable download time and space, the sample is lower resolution quality than the actual products.

The citizens of Gooseville have a big problem: they can’t seem to get along! Judge Davy Jones takes his seat at the courthouse and opens Mother Goose’s Code of Conduct for Gooseville as he listens to cases between disgruntled fairy tale characters accusing one another of foul play.



In each of these instances, the “happily ever after” they seek is found in something quite different than they often have in mind. 


Luke’s account of the boy Jesus at the temple provides a basis for instructing these confused and angry citizens on how to change their hearts and actions and grow into the example of the greatest life ever lived. Only then can they experience God’s happily ever after.


Join these classic characters as they learn to grow in wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man. You’ve never experienced these fairly tales quite like this. So, grab your Bibles, hold on tight, and consider yourself Goos’d!

Goldilocks and bear
humpty dumpty
bunny foo foo


Sidekick VBS materials are a digital package. You'll receive a download containing all materials with permission to print, send, and distribute as much as you need within your Church or organization. This makes it easy to produce only what you need and save space! Everything is included in one price! No need to pick and choose from a long list of different items and products only to realize you forgot to order enough of one manual or the promotional cards. It's all there for you to produce as much as you need!


Sidekick VBS can be purchased in 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 day formats, depending on the length of your VBS! No need to adapt skits or lessons for your personal length. It's been done for you!


In the main assembly, all VBS guests sing, pray, and watch funny and thoughtful skits that connect the VBS theme to the Biblical theme for the day. From there, guests are dismissed in smaller groups to different stations for a designated time interval.


In a rotation-based model, they’ll move from station to station, led by designated and recruited Team Leaders.


In a stationary model, students remain in their separate spaces for a longer duration without rotating. If you choose the stationary model, simply combine different stations in the curriculum and perform them together in the same space (ex: Goon Guard Academy Learning Center, followed by a Goldy's Game or Dumpty's Diner food-based station for the same class in the same room. You may also choose to include or exclude a separate Piggy Puppet Theater puppet show in the Main Assembly at the beginning, end, or as a separate entity!).


Adult Lessons are provided with this VBS! Some would prefer for adults to rotate through the stations. In this case, they would form a separate age group rotating through and could follow the Older Kids materials in those stations. However, adults do not have to rotate through. If they do not and you would like to provide them with a lesson, you can utilize the Adult Teacher Guide to provide a session for them while the children rotate through their stations. They could still join the Main Assembly.

Please note: To save you valuable download time and space, the sample is lower resolution quality than the actual products.

goon guard academy logo

In the Goon Guard Academy Learning Center station, students will explore the connection Jesus has to the theme of the day. Warmup and Reinforce sections allow them to solidify the concepts even more.

piggy puppet playhouse logo

In the Piggy Puppet Playhouse station, students will watch fun and engaging puppet skits that bring Biblical concepts into everyday scenarios that connect the daily themes to real life.

Goldy's Games

In the Goldy’s Games station, students will get active with games that correspond to key concepts to be remembered.

Dumpty's Diner

In the Dumpty’s Diner station, students will either build or participate in a food-related activity corresponding to Biblical concepts that will feed both their appetites as well as their brains!

leader guides

Leader Guides: these booklets contain instructions for volunteers leading different stations/classes. Separate Leader Guides for Games, Concessions, and Learning Centers provide tailored experiences for various age groups coming to that station. Materials are divided into Older Kids, Younger Kids, and Toddler/Preschool. Lessons are generally the same topics and activities for the Older and Younger groups comprised of K-12th with adjustments for language. Use your best judgment based on your age group breakdowns and maturity levels where to draw the line with kids K-12th for which age groups get the Older Kids and which get the Younger Kids lessons.


Adult Teacher Guide: this booklet contains the classes for adults. Each lesson contains a warmup activity called “A Thousand Words”, a teaching portion, and a gameshow style section that reinforces the lesson at the end.


Skit Manual: this manual contains the skits for each day in the main assembly.


Puppet Skit Manual: this manual contains the puppet skits for each day in the Piggy Puppet Playhouse.


Digital Class Needs: Leader Guides as well as skit manuals will reference Digital Resources to print and use in various stations or in the main assembly. These are contained here. All volunteers should have access to these files.

promotion and follow up

Promotional and Follow-up Materials: digital designs for posters, ppt slides, web image, invite cards, an outdoor banner, as well as character images to send off to print decoration items like life-size standups from the printer of your choice all allow you to bring others to join in on learning about Jesus at your Vacation Bible School. Cards for follow-up allow you to engage with your guests by thanking them for coming and inviting them to Bible class, worship, or other events you would love to see them at in the future.

station signs and nametags

Station Signs and Name Tags: these items allow you to help teachers navigate rooms and guide students in a way that follows the theme and makes the experience more fun and exciting! You may choose to decorate further. Some transform the entire space and others opt for a simpler setup. One suggestion is to recruit a decorating crew whose responsibility it is to do the decorating for various spaces. This way, station leaders can focus on their activities and teaching rather than also being responsible for decorating.

Please note: To save you valuable download time and space, the sample is lower resolution quality than the actual products.



-Printable Leader Guide

-Printable Manuals for:

     -Main Assembly Skits

     -Puppet Skits

     -Adult Sessions

     -Learning Center

     -Snack-Based Center

     -Games Center

-Printable promotion pieces:

     -11x17 poster

     -invite cards

     -4’x8’ outdoor/indoor banner

-Powerpoint slide

-Digital web ad

-Digital character images/resources

-Printable name badges

-Printable Centers signs

-Printable Follow-Up cards


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